Now is the time to decide to grow your own potatoes in containers. Llets be clear you are never going to be self sufficient in potatoes by growing them in containers in your yard. You will though have the enjoyment of seeing them grow and tasting the freshest tastiest spuds you could imagine and above all its great FUN!
There are a wide variety of specific containers for potato growing on the market from cheap and cheerful woven plastic bags to proper potato barrels - any will do but some are more stylish than others. If none suit you, choose a large container that fits with your yard style but make sure it is large and has good drainage.
It is easy to be put off by not knowing what variety to plant - garden centres can have upward of 50 different varieties and they can be confusing separated into earlies, mids and lates - what does that mean? It refers to the time of planting and harvesting. With container growing you should look for early potato varieties that grow and mature in a short space of time.
Three varieties I would recommend are:
Annabelle - A compact potato that produces long oval tubers that are yellow skinned with pale yellow flesh.
Charlotte - This is a great salad potato with pear shaped yellow skinned tubers with creamy yellow flesh. It has pale purple flowers. Great hot or cold.
Swift - Fast maturing with a short bushy growth. Holds a heavy crop of round smooth white fleshed tubers.
I'm not going to go into how you plant and care for them there are plenty of sites that give great information and instructions but just give it a go.