Reading the article by Tessa Boase, in this Saturday's Daily Telegraph, 'We're all farmers now' is enough to make your hair curl. The biggest worry coming from the article is concerning what Tessa sees as the big issue for the coming years 'food security'
She writes " We have a food system that keeps nothing in stock and everything constantly on the move in trucks, responding to computerised signals when supplies are running low. It is known as 'just in time' system. A lorry drivers strike, a volatile situation in the Middle East, an oil blockade - all or any of these could sabotage the process that puts food on our shelves."
One way round the above is helping to produce our own food or at least some of our food. In her article, Tessa explains how Community Supported Agriculture is a possible way forward. This is when like minded local people support the production of local food either practically such as chicken keeping groups where groups share the cost of upkeep and then share the eggs, or financiallyly such as supporting organic veg box schemes.
The 'eglu' chicken ark from
So perhaps its not so crazy to think about keeping chickens on your balcony. In the future it may be the only way urban dwellers will be able to enjoy fresh eggs or even eggs at all!