I'm talking about 'grow your own'. So much has been written about it, the Sunday paper magazines are full of how to grow this and that, with all the resulting health and financial benefits. Book shops are now full of tomes on self-sufficiency and organic gardening. But how many of us are actually getting out of our chairs and into the garden centre to buy seed potatoes, onion sets and vegetable seeds. Very few I think.
Make a start today, not tomorrow, not at the weekend, today!
Plan what you want to grow in your yard. Work out what will be most productive and what crops fit in with your lifestyle. Do you want to grow small quantities of veg that are very seasonal with a low return yet are rewarding in exceptional flavour such as new potatoes or grow salad crops such as salad leaves that can keep you in salad greens for almost twelve months of the year.
Whatever you decide to grow there are a myriad of solutions waiting for you at your garden centres and DIY stores. Mini polythene greenhouses, raised beds (available in pre-pack form), cold frames and cloches, growing bags and even specialist crop bags designed to grow a specific crop from planting to fruiting with only the task of regular watering. So go and check it all out.
No excuses your 'grow it yourself' starts today!