On sunny days it can be difficult to decide whether to relax on the deck or stretchch out on the lawn. You can now do both with this very clever product from www.sunnyaspects.co.uk.
GrasseDeck is a simple idea -
take a deck board, make a recess in the surface, get the strongest exterior quality water curing glue and bond a strip of sports quality artificial grass into it.
The result is a board which can be cut easily with a saw for making any kind of deck shape. It comes in various lengths, including 3.6, 3, and 2.4 metres. The deckboards can be screwed down to sub-frames in the conventional way.
They also supply Grassescreen and Grassefencemade to order for those who want to be enclosed with soft green hedging but do not want the hassle of cutting it!
Grassedeck, I notice, is also stocked by B&Q in their outdoor living catalogue.