Nepeta 'Walkers Low' is a great summer flowering perennial that is low growing, aromatic and gives bag loads of flower in early summer. It is perfect for small gardens as it is easily controllable - cut it back after flowering and it will give you another show in late summer. Great for planting in a raised bed where it will grow over the edge and soften the hard wall. One disadvantage is that it will attract any cat in the neighbourhood who will revel in lying and rolling in it!
'Deep violet to lilac-blue summer flowers and aromatic mid-green leaves. This violet-lilac catmint makes excellent, long-flowering, groundcover for a sunny border. Clipped back after the first flush in June, it flowers through to early autumn. Useful as an informal, scented edge for paths as, when trodden on, the foliage releases a pleasant aroma.' £5.99