My father was a beekeeper so I was brought up with all the paraphernalia of beekeeping equipment. We had smart white painted WBC hives at the top of our city suburb garden as well as two apiaries at farms in the adjoining countryside. It seemed as a child to be a very magical thing, keeping bees in their own homes, feeding them in the hard times with sugar syrup and taking taking most of their honey in the autumn. My interest carried on into my late teens when I studied beekeeping as part of my training at horticultural college. has with the introduction of their stylish 'Beehaus' brought beekeeping into the twenty first century. With the recent loss of many of our suburban and rural bees in the last year it is now of vital importance to bring beekeeping into the city. The 'Beehaus' is available in five colours, red, purple, green, yellow and white and a starting kit cost around £465.00 beehaus