Just arrived home from a few days at a wedding in Suffolks Constable Country. I was amazed just how dry the country was compared with Devon - I gather they had had next to no rain in August.
The photo shows an amazing climber, Campsis radicans, the Trumpet Vine. It was growing on the front of a wonderful old coach house enjoying the full sun.
Campsis is a vigorous, woody stemmed climber that enjoys scrambling over fences, walls, pergolas, etc. It has deciduous leaves and bears a profusion of velvety orange/red trumpets from late summer to autumn. It needs shelter so would be ok for a yard in the southern parts of Britain.
There are two interesting varieties C.r. Flava which has rich yellow flowers and C. x tagliabuana 'Madame Galen' which is very vigorous and has deep apricot flowers.