Helen Yemm's column in the Saturday Telegraph had an interesting feature on how to improve yields when growing potatoes in containers. Experts Peter Sea brook and Guy Barter had given her some tips.
1. Potatoes in containers don't really need a great depth of compost. The idea that they need earthing up is based on preventing the tubers going green which shouldn't happen in containers. try rolling down the sides of the container and using less compost depth and just planting the tubers, 6-8" down in the compost.
2. Don't try growing too many tubers in a container - two or three is enough to get a good yield.
3. Concentrate on early varieties for example Swift, Rocket or Vales Emerald. You may even then get two crops in the year.
4. Make sure your container is well drained and has plenty of direct sunlight.
5. Feed with a dilute liquid feed such as Phostrogen every two weeks.
There are plenty of seed potatoes in garden centres and online so if you want early container potatoes, buy now, get them chiitted ready to plant asap.