With space at a premium in micro-gardens, balconies and roof gardens, those that wish to grow their own produce need fast growing and quick cropping vegetables. Chinese greens are perfect for this.
Many are winter hardy and though will grow more slowly in lower temperatures, will quite happily crop in sheltered urban conditions. Root depth is not as important as with some crops so shallow planters will be perfect. In really bad weather crops can be covered with horticultural fleece that is obtainable from garden centres and DIY stores. Seed can be sown quite thickly and then the resulting seedlings thinned out. These thinings can be used in salads or stir frys and the rest left to mature.
If space is of a premium, the new Humax Organic Salad Crop Bag (www.humax.co.uk) is perfect. These small grow bags contain all the nutrients required to produce a large and healthy crop without using chemicals.
There are a wide range of chinese greens to grow including Chinese Mustard Green, Lin Choi, Green & Red Pak Choi and Kai Lan. The seed company Thompson and Morgan (www.thompson-morgan.com) do a wide range of seeds under their salad seed selection. Niche Oriental Mixed is a good seed mix by T & M that includes a wide range of oriental greens. £1.89 (500 Seeds).

For suitable planters with a different look try www.sandbevansandsons.com who supply a wide range with superb contemporary finishes. It includes these stunning planting trays.